Now, I know some people think that buying a designer bag replica is wrong. I used to think so too. But, after doing some research, I’ve changed my opinion a bit. For me, these bags are a way to get that designer feel and look without having to break my bank account. Plus, they’re just so beautiful.
Obviously, you don’t get all the trappings that come with a designer bag. You don’t get the experience of going into the store and customer service, or even the materials that are used. There’s no question that these bags don’t always look the same as the original.
Where to buy them is a bit tricky. I started looking at eBay, but quickly noticed that many of the listings were fake bags. Quality varies depending on the sellers, and I’ve seen some that seem really suspicious.
My trick for finding the best replicas is to read reviews. If the reviews are good, then I take the plunge. Or, I ask a friend who has bought a replica before. That way, I know I’m getting a great looking bag at a great price.
When I’ve finally found the right bag, I’m so excited. But I always remember that it’s a replica. I’m careful about taking it to an event where people may recognize the original bag. I may choose to wear a cheap, knockoff bag for those occasions.
When it’s finally in my hands, fake bags I get butterflies in my stomach. I love how the material feels. I love the attention to detail in the craftsmanship. And, of course, I love that it looks like the real thing without costing me an arm and a leg.
Since I start using my replica, I’ve gotten a lot of compliments. People can’t even tell that it’s not the real deal. I just smile and say thank you and keep it moving. I also have noticed people trying to copy my style and it’s always funny to see.
At the end of the day, owning a designer bag replica has been a great experience for me. It’s a way for me to get the designer experience without the designer wallet. Plus, it’s fun to show off and have people ask me where I got it.