The Difference between Real and Replica Bags: Explained.​

I’m sure you’ve already seen replicas and real bags when you’re out shopping.​ The line between the two can be quite unclear and quite often you have to do a bit of detective work to make sure that you’re getting a genuine product.​ So, here’s my take on the difference between real and replica bags.​

Firstly, there’s the price tag.​ That’s usually the tell-tale sign.​ Real bags are usually a lot more expensive than replicas, so if the bag is significantly more than normal prices, chances are it’s a genuine one.​

Second, take a look at the materials that have been used.​ Real fake bags are usually high quality leather, fabrics, hardware, and in some cases, exotic materials.​ Replicas are usually made out of synthetic materials, and the difference is very noticeable.​

Third, examine the details.​ Genuine fake bags have unlimited attention to detail, from the interior lining of the bag to the logo and stitching.​ Replicas on the contrary, usually have someone lazily stitching one combined logo, or no logo.​

Fourth, pay attention to labels and tags.​ Luxury brands put some sort of a tag on its product to authenticate them.​ So, if the tag is missing or wrong, that’s a huge red flag.​

Fifth and lastly, make sure you check the packaging.​ Brands usually put their products in special boxes, with the logo of the brand.​ The interior packaging also has branding and a certificate of authenticity.​

Free photo knitted bag on table still lifeThat about wraps up the differences between real and replica bags.​ Of course, there are other ways to tell the difference, but those are the main ones that you should look out for.​ Buying designer real bags is definitely an investment, but it’s a quality investment that pays back in the long run.​ Investing in quality material and style is always worth it.​