Fake Bags: What You Need to Know Before Making that Splashy Purchase

Free photo close up on kitted bag still lifeI know there are so many stylish replica bags out there, but before you take the plunge, let me tell you about my not-so-happyConsumer Experience with fake bags.​

It all started when I saw this fabulous, highly-coveted designer bag and just had to have it! It was a really great price, looked identical to the real deal, and I thought I would really make a splash with it! I was so excited that I reached out to the seller right away to ask them for more details.​

They sent me a few pictures of the bag and assured me that it was authentic and well made.​ But when I received the package, it was a total disaster.​ Instead of having that distinctive designer look, the bag was a cheap imitation and it smelled terrible! To make matters worse, the hardware was all rusty and the straps were poorly made.​

My heart sank and I knew I had been duped.​ I had foolishly invested in a fake bag, and my dreams of rocking it during special occasions had turned into a nightmare.​ How could I show up to these special events with a fake bag, are people going to think I was cheap or didn’t know the difference between real and fake?

To avoid ending up with a bag that’s not up to scratch, here are a few tips:

1.​ Buy from well-known, reputable stores.​ Do your research, ask around and always confirm with the store if the bag is real.​

2.​ Pay attention to the details.​ Are the stitching, hardware, and other details as they should be?

3.​ Take a good look at the price.​ If it seems too good to be true, trust your gut.​ It’s a sign that it could be a fake.​

4.​ Always go for the “real thing”.​ It might be a bit expensive compared to the fake ones, but you’ll be sure it’s worth the money and it will last longer.​ And of course, you know you look fabulous when you carry a real designer bag.​

Having said that, I guess the most important thing when it comes to buying bags is to ask yourself if you really need it and if you can afford it.​ If the answer is yes on both counts, then go ahead and buy!

My personal experience with fake replica bags has been a cautionary tale, and I want to share with you what I’ve learned.​ You don’t have to go down the same rabbit hole I did in order to find a beautiful and stylish bag.​ There are plenty of real, high-quality ones out there that don’t cost an arm and a leg.​

I also recommend that you take the time to compare different brands, prices, styles, and materials when shopping for a bag.​ This can help you get the best value for your money and the best bag for your lifestyle.​ It’s important to have a realistic view of what you want out of your bag and make sure the one you choose is exactly what you’re looking for.​

Some of the features to consider when shopping for a bag include: color, style, comfort, functionality, customer reviews, ease of cleaning, durability, and also warranty.​ Taking all these factors into consideration before making a purchase will help you make an informed decision and ensure that your bag will be a smashing success!

The materials can also make a big difference when buying a bag.​ The quality of the leather, felt, faux leather, cotton, and other materials should be carefully inspected to ensure a good quality piece.​ Choose a bag that is adequately structured with quality, and you won’t regret your purchase.​

It’s also a smart idea to look for environmental certifications when purchasing a bag.​ This will ensure that you are buying an eco-friendly product and helping to protect our planet.​

Finally, avail of the return policy that is most convenient for you.​ Some shops offer a 30-day trial period or return policy that allows you to return the bag if you’re not happy with it, so try to take advantage of these options.​

It’s essential that you invest in a bag that you feel good about, that serves you well and meets all your needs.​ Fake bags are not the way to go – trust me, I learnt it the hard way! So take your time, do your research, and you’ll end up with a bag that will last longer and make you look even more stylish.​