When it comes to the world of designer fashion, it pays to be an informed and vigilant shopper. Unfortunately, there are a lot of dishonest and unscrupulous individuals out there who want to take advantage of unsuspecting buyers. As a result, it is essential for rookie shoppers to understand the basics of spotting fake bags when shopping online or in stores.
I remember when I first started shopping for designer replica bags, I was so overwhelmed trying to figure out which pieces were genuine or fake that I even asked my more experienced friends for advice. After doing a bit of research and getting some helpful tips from them, I then entered the world of spotting the difference between real and fake bags.
The truth is that differentiating between the real and fake items is a skill which can and should be improved upon, as a means to protect yourself from getting scammed. As a rookie, start off by familiarizing yourself with the brand’s ‘Authenticity Card’, as this is usually one of the first signs to tell that a buy is not original. It is also worthwhile to take a look at the hardware, i.e., the zippers, tags, and other materials used for the bag. This is because authentic brands use heavier, more expensive metals, which can, unfortunately, be relieved by unscrupulous individuals.
Next, it pays to look closely at the logo and design of the bag. Generally, original replica bags have high-quality stitches, symmetrical logo placement, and more texture and detail on the logos. Fake bags tend to have a less refined look overall, as well as an overall cheaper appearance. It is also important to note that smaller details such as zippers, and tags, should have clearly stamped numbers, identifying them as original items.
Finally, when shopping online, it is best to purchase from an online store or merchant that provides authenticity guarantees. This takes away the need to do additional research or vetting on the bag, and gives shoppers the peace of mind knowing that their purchase is genuine.
When it comes to designer bags, knowledge can be the key difference between being scammed and feeling confident with your purchase. So, it pays for rookies to do their research and understand the basics of spotting fake bags. With the right tools and knowledge, rookie shoppers can become master spotters in no time!