i hate fake designer bags
I can’t stand fake designer bags. Sure, they’re limited edition and look great, but I absolutely hate them. You could say that it’s like a personal vendetta against fakes designers.
Seeing those “designer” bags in the hands of people I know, it makes me want to throw up. It’s so repulsive that they strut around in those bags they paid a fraction of the price in a backstreet market. All they’re doing is pretending to be something they’re not. Don’t they know how wrong this is?
I’m not sure why these people have such a need to pretend they have money. Don’t they realize that they’re just fooling themselves? If they’re trying to make others believe that they have money, it doesn’t work because no one with real money would buy a fake handbag ever. What they’re doing is a waste of time and energy.
At this point, I’m really passionate about this issue. I mean, I totally get the appeal, designer bags are beautiful. It’s nice to have something special that no one else has, and the craftsmanship of such bags is amazing. But why buy a fake when you can buy a quality bag at a far less expensive price? Usually they cost several times less than the original one – buying them not only shows a lack of knowledge but it’s also disrespect to the designer.
People who buy the fakes do not understand what they’re ruining. It’s like they don’t care or, what’s worse, don’t even know what they’re killing off. A lot of skilled workers work great hours to make these bags, and not to mention the work of the designers behind them. Why would someone want to undermine that entire process?
It seems that too many people take pleasure in getting something for nothing. Replicas of designer replica bags do not protect the interests of the original designers and artisans and devalues their art. If all you want is something that looks like an expensive, designer bag, why not wait and save the money so that you might be able to one day buy a real one?
I totally get the allure, but if you know the difference between a real designer and fake designer bags, put the latter away. Too many people admire celebrities and their style, but instead of saving to buy something real, they rather pay for a fake version? That’s just crazy.
They are missing out on the feeling that comes from obtaining something valuable, something that was worked upon by skilled workers and designers who made it, not someone sneakily making copies of their life’s work and undermining their effort. It’s time to respect these people and buy something of high-quality.
These designers put their heart and soul into making something extraordinary and there is a difference between an object you can just buy and one you save up for. You know, that feeling of gratitude and pride when you finally get what you have been saving up so hard for, that’s a feeling that no copy can replicate.
What’s the point of buying something that is, essentially, a worthless piece of material? I guess there’s nothing wrong with taking a shortcut when it comes to fashion, but why not buy something good-looking instead of a cheap copy of something else?
Every designer has a story behind their designs and creations, you don’t really want to show off something that a complete stranger designed, do you? Instead, why not be invested in something cool and unique that was made with passion and time? Ones that skyrocket the work of the artist without obtaining a fake and devaluing the work of others.
With all the fast fashion brands, it’s understandable why people may be confused and want to go for the faster, cheaper version. But people should be more educated on the topic and understand the implications of their actions. Faking about designer items isn’t cool at all.
These unfair transactions create a massive gap between those who can afford designer items and those who cannot. It’s unfair of those who could afford the real deal but then go for a fake one anyway, who wants a conversation with someone about a bag that they don’t really own, eventually being let down and feeling embarrassed for showing off something that they don’t even own? It’s really not worth it.
I think people should invest their money wisely when it comes to fashion, it feels way better than buying a cheap version of something that was made with extreme care and effort. I’ll always be against fake bags designer bags and it’ll be my personal fight against fakes.