how to spot fake tory burch bag
Before I even begin to discuss how to spot a fake Tory Burch bag, I want to just clarify one crucial thing: fake doesn’t mean ‘low quality’. It simply means that the bag is not a real Tory Burch bag and not the same quality as a real one. When it comes to fakes there can be a range in quality, and that’s worth mentioning up front.
With that out of the way, here is my personal take on how to spot a fake Tory Burch bag. First, have a look at the hardware. Many counterfeiters make their bags with thinner, low quality metallic buckles and clasps. For example, the Tory Burch logo should be detailed in karat gold on the metallic bit. Fake buckles have no detail or if there is, it’s very shallow and unimpressive.
Second thing to consider is the authenticity card. It’s usually another red flag. For starters, the text is often not in perfect English and the card itself feels very light and thin. Most likely, not the heavier quality card that comes with a real Tory Burch bag.
Third, the price is usually an indication of authenticity. If the price is too good to be true, then it probably is. Real Tory Burch bags are quite pricey and if you come across a cheap one, that should set your alarm bells ringing.
Fourth, have a look at the Tory Burch label and signature on the inside. Counterfeiters often mess up the signature placement and they don’t match with the real ones. The label should be on the inside pocket of the bag, not sewn on one of the straps. The label should also be quite deep and not flat or shallow.
Finally, inspect the inside and outside of the bag with a magnifying glass or loupe. Check the number of stitches in each seam and that the stitching is steady and not overwrought in places. Pay attention for any inconsistencies in the fabric and monogram design, which may be signs of a fake.
Hopefully you’ve found my advice useful! Now, let’s continue the discussion about how to spot a fake bags Tory Burch bag and get a bit more into the details.
To make sure you’re buying the genuine Tory Burch article make sure to look out for the dust bag. Some of the counterfeit bags don’t come with a dust bag so be aware. Also, pay close attention to the quality of the fabric and zipper. Authentic Tory Burch bags usually use YKK zippers, which guarantee high quality materials. That means that the zipper should move smoothly and the material used for the dust bag should feel soft and expensive.
The key to verify authenticity is to do a bit of research and compare the bag with other authentic articles. The better you know the real Tory Burch bags’ features, the easier it is to spot imposters. That means studying details like the bag’s shape, material, handles, inside zip pocket, dust bag, card pocket, and authenticity label.
The last but not the least important point is to always look for reliable sellers. If the website or store offering ‘Brand X’ bags for a suspiciously low price, it’s best to stay away. You may be paying for a bag that’s not genuine.
You’re in no way obligated to buy a real Tory Burch bag, but it’s important to know the difference between the real and the fake. It’s the only way to make an informed purchase. Armed with these few tips you should be able to make a better judgment and be more confident when making your next Tory Burch purchase.
One important way to spot a fake Tory Burch bag is to pay attention to the texture of the leather. Fakes often use poor material that has a cheap plastic look, some of them come with a bad odor too. The real bags are crafted from expensive, top-notch leather. Feel it, smell it and observe the flexibility of it. Even if you just hold a real Tory Burch bag, it feels expensive and soft to the touch, you can feel the quality. This is one of the main ways that fakes groups are trying to replicate, by imitating the leather. Also, beware of large logos, an authentic Tory Burch bag never has big logos, the logo should be small and inconspicuous.
Furthermore, look out for a poorly made handles or color discrepancies. It’s important to check the handles for stitching, balance, and shape, which should line up to the real bag. Also confirmation that there’s Tory Burch written on one of the handles. Real bags always have crisp, sharp corners with clean stitching – be aware if it’s not the case. And finally, real Tory Burch bags have colorfast materials, which means that when wet the color doesn’t bleed or transfer. So you may want to do a spot test just to confirm.
Now that you have a clearer understanding of the basics in terms of authenticity, let’s talk a bit about packaging. So, Tory Burch bags come with a booklet of authenticity and manufacturer warranty. If you don’t get either of these, you’re at risk of buying a fake. Also, the caring instruction card should have a holographic logo embossed on it. The logo should be round, crisp, clear and visible. Last but not least, real Tory Burch bags also have dust bags and some models even have travel bags too.
Finally, if you’re still not sure whether it’s real or fake, take a look at the Tory Burch website and compare the bag to the pictures. For obvious reasons, real bags are more consistent in terms of pattern and size. When looking at the pictures, if the pattern on the bag is slightly different from the actual product then it’s likely to be a fake.
With these tips in mind, you should be able to spot a fake Tory Burch bag in no time. Fake bags just don’t stand upto the same level of quality and precision as the real ones. They are usually made with low grade materials and poor craftsmanship. So, if you ever find yourself doubting, just remember the tips I gave you and you should be able to make an informed decision on whether the bag is ‘real’ or ‘fake’.