
My best friend recently asked me why louis vuitton sells fake bags. It seems like people are buying the counterfeit handbags thinking they are getting the real deal when, in fact, they’re not.
I couldn’t give her an answer at first; I didn’t even know why people were buying fake bags. That’s when I did some research and to my surprise found out that the company has been selling fake bags for quite some time. Apparently, they started to do so to combat the fake bags being sold illegally on the streets, which were of lower quality and ruining the brand’s image.
I was shocked to find out that the company was selling fake bags, as it goes against what I believed the company stands for. I remember how, even growing up, the company was highly revered for its quality and craftsmanship. People were proud to carry Louis Vuitton so finding out that the company was selling counterfeits totally changed my opinion of them.
So why do people still buy them? Well, for some people the logo is what matters the most. They like the idea of carrying the iconic bag and being seen with it. It’s like a status symbol and for them it’s worth it. Whether it’s authentic or counterfeit doesn’t matter.
Then there’s the issue of cost. Most Louis Vuitton bags are incredibly expensive, so for some people a fake one looks like a great deal. They can buy the lookalike for a fraction of the price and still feel like they got a deal. But what they don’t know is that, even though the cost may be more affordable, it’s the knowingly purchasing a fake bag, thus harming the brand and its image.
Another reason why people buy phony replica bags is simply because they don’t know the difference. It can be hard to tell the difference between an authentic piece and a counterfeit. Counterfeiters have become increasingly skilled in replicating the design so it’s no wonder that a lot of people can’t tell the difference.
Although I’m still surprised by the fact that the company is selling knockoffs, I can see why they do it. Fake bags have been around for a long time and are not going away anytime soon so the company doesn’t have a choice but to tackle the issue head on and promote authentic products.
Regardless of why people buy fake bags, the underlying issue remains. Buying phonies just isn’t cool and entirely goes against the company’s image. The company needs to show its customers that it is taking steps to protect its brand and ensure customers’ satisfaction by introducing measures which help customers distinguish between counterfeit and authentic products.
When it comes to the future of this company, I believe that Louis Vuitton and many other companies could benefit from the use of blockchain technology to fight counterfeiting. This would make it easier for customers to know what they are buying is real and for companies to protect their brand images from false representations.
At the end of the day, it’s up to us as customers to be aware of what we are buying. Taking the time to research the company and learn to distinguish between counterfeit and authentic products is important. Knowing the materials used in the construction, along with all the details that make up the design, is key in spotting a phony.\ubaa8\uc870\ud488 \uc704\uc870 \uc0ac\uae30 - Pixabay\uc758 \ubb34\ub8cc \uc774\ubbf8\uc9c0