
Ah, the dreaded Fake Bag. Well, if you can identify it as a knock-off, you’ve already made a great first step. There are a few things you can do with a fake bag, depending on the circumstances.
The first thing I would do with a fake bag is display it as a decoration. If it’s something I particularly fancy, but just isn’t quite the real deal, I’ll use it to spruce up my design decor. I’ll use it as an accent piece or a starting point for the whole look. Fake bags that are whimsical or even funny can be extremely fun to put out for people passing by to see.
The second thing I would do with a fake bag is to gift it. If I know someone who appreciates the item in question, why not give them a knock off at a fraction of the cost? It doesn’t necessarily mean they can’t have it either, so it’s definitely a viable option. Plus I get the satisfaction of being generous without having to break the bank.
The third thing I would do with a fake bag is to wear it! If it’s really well done and I’m feeling particularly daring, I’ll strut right out of the house with it and show that dazzling fashion sense of mine. People will think I’m sophisticated and have excellent taste.
The fourth thing I would do with a fake bag is donate it to charity. It’s not like it has to be authentic to still be useful and being able to bring some light into someone else’s life is definitely a worthwhile endeavor.
The fifth thing I would do with a fake bag is save it in my personal collection of fashion items. It’s almost like a little memento of a previous time and serves as a reminder to how far I’ve come. It could also make for an interesting conversation starter.
The sixth thing I would do with a fake bag is to resell it. If it’s a particularly well-made knock off, there could be people out there who don’t know the difference, and would still be interested in purchasing it. It’s a great way to make back just a fraction of the money spent on it and then use that to acquire something of higher quality.
The seventh thing I would do with a fake bag is to repair it. If it’s just a simple issue like a zip, maybe some handsewing could do the trick. This way, not only would I be saving money and not having to buy something new, but I’d also have the satisfaction of reviving something that was almost lost and not having to go through the hassle of buying a replacement.
Now let’s say you take it with you out for errands or trips. The most important thing to remember in this situation is to always keep the bag away from prying eyes – avoid showing it off too much and be extra cautious of potential counterfeiting officers. Furthermore, try using code words when you’re talking to people about it – find something innocuous like “a new purchase” to refer to the bag.
Another essential tip is to never be too rigid with it. Don’t complain or make demands – pretend as if the bag is of the same quality as the real deal and talk to other people as if it’s not a fake. Lastly, blending in with the crowd is key – if you can find a way to stylishly incorporate the bag into your ensemble, it’ll make it nearly impossible to identify as a phony!
Now let’s say you take it with you to a special event or a fancy dinner. It’s highly recommended that you don’t bring a fake bag to an event or a dinner, no matter how nice it looks. Doing so may draw some unwanted attention and get you in trouble. In this case, stay away from flashy and glittery bags, go for something rather understated and try to match it with your outfit, to not appear out of the ordinary. Furthermore, having extra care with your luggage or bag will make it more difficult to spot it as counterfeit.
Another way to go about using your fake bag is to make it a fashion statement. Before doing so, however, there are some aspects to keep in mind. This method requires smooth talking and a bold personality without being too overt or vulgar. Don’t be quite so in your face with it – smiles and a certain kind of aura helps to make your fake bag blend in seamlessly within the crowd.
Now, you may be tempted to use the bag for a work event but I would strongly dissuade you from doing so. It’s best to leave it at home out of respect for the other people attending and not to mingle it with your professional look. Furthermore, going in with a fake bag to a professional event might make you seem careless and irresponsible.
Finally, the best alternative would be to wear it with casual, everyday wear. This way, the fake bag is most balanced, given its casual setting. Feel free to strut it wherever you go, matching it to whatever you wear and going for whatever style you’d like. Feel free to accessorize it however you’d like- fake replica bags are great ways to experiment with different looks.
Just in case you’re still worried about carrying a fake bag around, consider this: a fake bag is great to practice the ins and outs of fashion before getting the real thing. A knock off is usually far cheaper than the original, allowing you to experiment with different looks and find out what works for you without having to spend too much money. Moreover, it’s a great way to attract positive attention to yourself and showcase your fashion sense.
Overall, what to do with a fake bag all boils down to your own personal taste and the context listed above. Be courageous enough to try it out and be confident in your decisions. As long as you have a good plan in mind, and a little bit of common sense, you’ll do just fine!