
how to spot a fake kurt geiger bag

Shopping for a designer item can be a little tricky. Not always are we aware of how to check for authenticity. I once purchased a Kurt Geiger bag that didn’t quite hit the mark; turns out it was a fake! Thankfully, I learned my lesson the hard way, so here I’ll share my experience to help you make a smarter decision next time.

Firstly, always look for the original packaging. All Kurt Geiger bags come with the original dust label, Kleinfeld (the famous designer brand) label, and a cotton – suede dust-bag for storage. There is also a serial number in the inner label you should keep an eye out for. Now if any of these are missing or do not match the originals, chances are, you’ve got your hands on a fake.

But worry not, there are a few tell-tale signs you can look for to help you distinguish between the real and the fake. First and foremost, check the quality of the leather. While the fake bag may look appealing to the eye, chances are that it’s not made of the finest surfaces. In a nutshell, if it feels too soft to the touch, appears to be of a slightly different texture than what the original looks like or wrinkles when folded, the chances of it being a fake are incredibly high.

Furthermore, the hardware used is also a great determining factor. If it looks like it’s made of silver or gold, it’s likely to be fake. Genuine Kurt Geiger bags contain stainless steel hardware, some of which comes in a gold finish, but none of it is gold-plated.

Also, check the zipper. Genuine zippers will be tight and the teeth of the zipper will be close together and unpainted. On the other hand, fake zippers will move up and down on their tracks pretty easily and the teeth will be rather large and often colorfully painted.

You must also pay attention to the strap and the buckle. The genuine buckle often has the Kurt Geiger logo engraved, while the fake bags will be either missing the logo or using a cheap replica bags. A Kurt Geiger bag should contain a 5-star full leather strap, which should be properly sown onto the bag on both ends.

Finally, be aware of the price. A price that is too good to be true usually means that the item is counterfeit. Genuine Kurt Geiger bags are made of the finest materials, and thus, are priced accordingly.

Now you are aware of how to spot a fake Kurt Geiger bag, so you can make an informed purchase.

Another way of making sure you are getting a genuine item is to buy directly from the company’s website. While this may seem like an additional expense, you can’t put a price on quality and authenticity. Plus, they always have frequent sales and special offers so you can grab yourself a bargain.

When buying a Kurt Geiger bag, always check the tags, zippers, leather, hardware and price to know if you’ve got your hands on a real deal. And be sure to always check out the Kleinfeld website or local store for the best deals. After all, you want to make the most out of your purchase!