
how to spot a fake prada bag vs real

When it comes to Prada bags, the world over has a mad love for them. From celebs to street-side stylists, they all seem to share a collective coveting. However, if you’re looking to invest in a Prada piece, it’s important to make sure you’re getting the real deal and not a fake one. Here’s Iain’s tips for how to spot a fake Prada bag versus a real one.

Firstly, check the weight. A good indicator of a real Prada bag is it’s weight; real bags are heavier than their pretend-sibilings and usually have a great sense of balance too. This is down to their quality materials and workmanship.

Next, familiarise yourself with the zips! The zips on real Prada bags are typically smoother, although the zip pull itself with feel heavier. Fakers usually cut corners by using cheaper zips, so don’t be fooled!

Now, check the depth of the leather. If you’re opting for one of the beautiful leather Prada bags, you’ll want to feel the depth of the leather. A good real Prada piece will feature a perfecly supple leather whereas a cheaper, fake alternative will feel plasticky and hard.

A good tell-tale sign of a real Prada bag is the pattern on the inside. It should feature perfectly crisp and aligned patterns of flowers- this is a good indication that the bag is not a fake.

Finally, pay attention to the stitching. Prada bags are impeccably crafted with the stitching being especially good quality. The real deal is perfectly aligned and all the threads are perfectly neat whereas fakes may be slightly misaligned and itchy as the threads may be cheaply made.

If all else fails, make sure the bag you’ve chosen is being sold at an authorised Prada store. You can find a list of authorised locations on the Prada website- so you’ll be sure to pick up an original piece.

Next, examine the shape of the bag. Prada bags often have a specific shape and proportion that’s unique and instantly recognisable. Fakes may be slightly off and will many times not follow the same shape.

Another important factor to consider is the brand stamp. Genuine Prada bags feature a clearly embossed Prada symbol or logo that feels smooth – not too deep but softly indented. Fake bags often have a logo that has a higher level of embossing and may also include any irregularities.

In addition, you should inspect the rivet of the Prada bag. Prada rivets are made of chrome and shape as a triangle pointing downward. Poor craftsmanship may mean the rivets may be slightly misaligned so it’s important to check for this.

Finally, have a look at the care instructions label. Genuine Prada replica bags come with a cloth care instructions label with the product ID and the designer name written in black lettering – so this is another way to help spot a real Prada piece.

If you’ve spotted a Prada bag online but you’re still not sure if it’s real or fake, look online for reviews. Often, people who have previously bought real Prada bags will write reviews in which they give helpful information that you may want to take into consideration when it comes to verifying your potential purchase.

One more tip when it comes to purchasing a Prada bag; make sure you buy from a reputable seller. If you’re buying online, make sure to double-check the reviews of the site and if you’re purchasing in an actual store, look for the PRADA sign- this will usually mean the store is an authorised seller.

To sum up, when it comes to avoiding a fake Prada bag , you’ll want to pay attention to the weight, the zips, the depth of leather, the stitching, the pattern and the logo stamp. Of course, if you’re still unsure, make sure you buy from an authorised seller, and look out for reviews both online and in person.

The key to avoiding a fake Prada bag is to know and understand the quality and what it should look like. When it comes to counterfeits, there will always be tell-tale signs that will allow you to spot the difference between a real Prada and a fake one. Look out for substandard zippers, inferior materials, misaligned patterns and stitching and an incorrect logo stamp.

Once you’ve checked all these elements, it’s time to see if the seller is legitimate and reputable. Buying from an authorised store or website on the Prada website is a sure way to guard against counterfeits. Plus, make sure to check reviews from other customers who have purchased from the store, and to see the previous reviews from customers online.

But the bottom line is that if a deal looks too good to be true it probably is- avoid being tempted by bargain or discounted prices as it’s highly likely that the product you’ll receive is a counterfeit.

Similarly, avoid using the phrase “authentic Prada”, as this is a red flag that can signal a being duped. Instead, you should be asking if the Prada bag is new and unused, and if it’s a genuine Prada item from the official store or website.

If you can’t find a genuine Prada at an official store or website, try looking into the second-hand market. Buying from a reputable second-hand retailer like eBay or Vestiaire Collective can mean you can get the Prada bag you desire at a more affordable price. Take care to check that it’s not a knock-off however, and to check the reviews from other customers to make sure you’re getting the real deal.

Finally, if you opt for a vintage Prada bag, make sure you ask lots of questions about the condition of the bag and ask for detailed photos. It’s a good idea to ask the seller the following questions- where and when it was bought, when it was last serviced or any repairs have been carried out, so you can be sure it’s a genuine Prada.

So there you have it – my tips for spotting a fake Prada bag vs a real one! Just remember; check the weight, zips, depth of leather, stitching, patterns, logo stamp, care instructions label and the rivets, ask questions and always buy from a reputable seller. Happy shopping!